YVR - Donation of Funds Raised in 2015 to Charity Partner, Power To Be @ Third Thursday - 01.21.16

January is always a special month for the YVR Chapter of the Whisky Wisemen Society.  For starter's, it is the anniversary of the foundation of the Society.  3 years ago this January we held the very first third Thursday event in Vancouver and now look have far we've come!

The first month of the year is also when we finally get to recognize all of the efforts made over the past 12 months and make an official lump sum donation of all of the funds raised to our charity partners.  

Our Vancouver Chapter's charity partner for 2015 was the Power To Be Adventure Therapy Society. They were an amazing partner all year, inviting us to participate in their annual Power To Play fundraiser in September and always having representatives attend our monthly third Thursday events.  Power To Be was everything you would hope for in a partner so it made us very happy that after the year was over we were able to double our funds raised from last year and donate $6000 to their cause!!

Power To Be founder Tim Comrode was on hand to accept a giant cheque from us and he said a few words of thanks and how this money would go to help put about 3 or 4 deserving kids over the coming summer through their adventure programs. What a great result!

It is after moments like these that we truly realize the impact that we are making on our community and for people that really need and deserve the assistance.  We gather monthly with friends and to meet new people, spending our money on a few drinks to be social and through that sets the wheels in motion for something greater when compounded by a growing community and over a period of time.  Imagine if this really catches on...

Like the old sayings go, 'noone has ever become poor by giving, for it is in giving that we receive.' 

Thank You Tim, Kevin and the whole Power To Be team! All the best!

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